I wish you a peaceful, merry Christmas if you celebrate – if you don’t, I hope you have a smashing long weekend!

Usually, I arrive at the Holidays like a marathon runner with my last burst of strength. If that’s you, too, do like a marathon runner – give yourself some rest, eat good food that nourishes you, and enjoy the buzz.

If you’re struggling during the holidays, know that you’re not alone, and don’t hesitate to reach out. Call a friend or a helpline (give it a quick google to find one in your country, and don’t hesitate – you’re not a burden! People want to listen to you!)

May the new year bring you joy, and thank you for being here! I couldn’t be more grateful.

A quick housekeeping note: the next regular blog post will be up on the 28th, from which on I’ll post on the regular schedule of Tuesdays and Thursdays.