There’s no doubt that we live in challenging times, and everything feels difficult when our lives have been changed by the corona virus. I want soothing and uplifting content at the moment, and thought you might feel the same: that’s the reason I bring you a slightly changed monthly collection of interesting posts and news in March – I collected only the ones that’re, in fact, helpful, uplifting, distracting and soothing. It’s, in short, the feel good edition.


What beauty brands do right during the pandemic. (

Two things that brought me joy during the last days: Pictures of the Guerlain (British Beauty Blogger) and Chanel Summer collections.

Skincare! Brands that are excellent – and cheap. (NY Times)


corona uplifting news

Silver Linings: how to stay positive. (The Guardian)

Astronauts share tips on living together in tight spaces and not killing each other. I mean, if someone knows, then these guys, right? (Businessinsider)

Why soap is better than disinfectant. (The Guardian)

Should you disinfect your beauty products? (Well, kinda, but don’t forget your phone!!!) (InStyle)

Scientists come together to find a cure and a vaccine all around the world. Stories like these keep me going during this time. (NY Times)


best beauty news in March

Want to start a more sustainable beauty life? Teen Vogue explains terminology and more, because businesses make it confusing (clean? Green? Natural? Non-toxic? Yeah…).

Because it IS confusing, some legislature may be in the works. (Yay.) (Washington Post)

You want to buy it. But SHOULD you buy it? A guide. (CNBC)

Life, Love and Everything Else

March best blogposts

Tussenkunstenquarantine: people recreating works of art in quarantine. Laughing out loud guarantee.

Speaking of art: Virtual Museum Tours: Find a museum to stroll through! (Kendall College)

Grow your own yeast! (If you’re a baker – as I am – you might have noticed that yeast is rather difficult to buy right now. Dear shoppers: fresh yeast will go off really fast. Don’t buy tons of it.) (Twitter @shoelaces3)

You don’t have a pet? You’d love to have a pet but can’t? Don’t worry, Tinykittens has your back: they stream their rescue cats 24/7, and if you’re in Canada, you can adopt them, too! For anyone else, you can watch their kitten-y highjinks online. I find it VERY soothing.

A site that continuously provides me with distraction, reading tips, baking recipes and recommendations of which clothes I should be lemming is Go Fug Yourself, which also has one of the nicest online communities and a comment section that doesn’t make you want to shoot yourself immediately.


shopping tips during corona

A rather unusual section in the monthly round-ups, but: this is my reminder for you to support your local and small businesses. Buy vouchers, shop online with them (if possible) and think hard about which shops you want to still see around when this is over.

Also, just leaving this out there: Don’t give your money to corporate asshats who lay off their staff (Estée Laundry is good in uncovering which corporations do and do not). Support the ones doing good.

On the Blog

corona tips blog
The most interesting posts and news in March on the blog.

Yes, we posted reviews and stuff as usual this month. You can read it if you need a distraction!

But we also wrote some relevant posts over the years that might help you right now: silly things like books to read and shows to watch, but also our recommendations for working remotely (which we at Twindly have done for a looooong time, so we actually can speak about this with some authority), and tips how to deal with anxiety.

Then: the best soap, and a routine for your poor dry hands. Do you crave a new mani? We’ve got you covered. Wanting to shop/organise your stash? Here’re our best tips how.

Also: you’re doing amazing sweetie! Hang in there.